Hi, I'm Claire McGonigle



Hi, I'm Claire!
I'm a junior at Vanderbilt University double majoring in Computer Science and Spanish. I will be graduating in May of 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts.

I'm an aspiring Software Engineer with a passion for problem solving and creating cool projects!

When not coding, I love reading historical fiction and mystery books, baking, painting, photography, and spending time with friends.


Programming Languages:
Proficient in: C++, Java, Python
Working knowledge of: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, MATLAB

Languages: English, Spanish

Technologies: Git, React, Node, AutoCAD, Ganttic, Microsoft Programs

View my full resumé below:



Vanderbilt University

Expected Bachelor of Arts in May of 2022

Double major in Computer Science and Spanish

GPA: 3.901 / 4.0

CS Courses:
Programming and Problem Solving (CS 1101), Program Design and Data Structures (CS 2201), Discrete Structures (CS 2212), Intermediate Software Design (CS 3251), Algorithms (CS 3250), Digital Systems (EECE 2123)

Spanish Courses:
Intermediate Spanish Writing, Spanish for Oral Communication, Introduction to Spanish and Spanish-American Literature, Literature of the Spanish Golden Age, Topics in Hispanic Lit: Love and Death in Medieval Spain, Latin American Fiestas, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics

Academic Dean's List

Fall 2018 - present

Computer Science Teaching Assistant

January 2020 - present

Women in Computing

September 2019 - present

Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Brotherhood Chair

January 2020 - present

Vanderbilt Code Ignite

January 2020 - present

Women in Government Club

September 2019 - present


Juni Learning

Computer Science Instructor / May 2020 - Present

Teach weekly, one-on-one online coding classes to students remotely, working to inspire passion, creativity, and a love of Computer Science in young students. Classes consist of Java, Python, and AP Computer Science A curriculum.

Computer Science Teaching Assistant

CS1101: Programming and Problem Solving / January 2020 - Present

Provide guidance and instruction to students during weekly office hours, grade and provide feedback on all class assignments and exams for 20 students per week, facilitate communication and function as a liaison between students and course professors.

Maryland General Assembly Intern

Junior Legislative Intern to County Delegate / May 2019 - August 2019

Researched and compiled data to help create future legislation, attended workgroups and gathered community input for data analysis, planned, organized, and performed outreach for two conference meetings with 50+ attendees.


Healthy Habits.ai

A website inspired by COVID-19, meant to promote healthy behaviors while spending long amounts of time online. It includes:

1. A face-touching detector, that alerts you to avoid touching your face
2. A posture detector, that alerts you when you are sitting with bad posture

It uses hand / face and posture detection through the webcam in real time to promote better hygiene and posture habits while online.

Created during SummerHacks Hackathon using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, cvlib, TensorFlow, and Flask

View the GitHub repository to learn more.

Vandy Class Finder Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension that adds the ability to see which requirements for a certain major each class fulfills within Vanderbilt's class search tool, YES.

Vandy ClassFinder aims to help Vanderbilt students easily find which requirements their classes fulfill from their specific major within the School of Engineering.

Users can select their major and view the requirements fulfilled by each class in their class cart from the extension pop-up.

Created during VandyHacks Summer Edition using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and JSON

View the GitHub repository to learn more.